Thanks to a generous donor, all funds donated during our March Match Campaign will be doubled up to $100,000!!! Your gift today has DOUBLE the impact and makes a tangible impact.
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The James Place Circle is a catalytic group of like-minded leaders, businesses, and churches with the vision to invest significantly in the mission of Heal. Using their God-given resources, these boldly generous Heal Partners give $10,000+ annually in impact gifts, planned legacy, and estate giving, and the creative giving of assets.
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Heal Sustainers give monthly, quarterly, or annual gifts through recurring contribution commitments. These Heal Partners' dependable and generous support provides a foundation for the mission of Heal.
Jesus is our truest example of what it means to show compassion. Feeding the hungry, healing the diseased, raising the dead, entering a broken world to save the lost - His compassion wasn’t a temporary emotion. It was action. Action that compelled him to be WITH those who were suffering.
We are called to the same compassion. James 1:27 NKJV “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
The people of Uganda are suffering. Although they are made in the image of God; creative, intelligent, hard-working, capable, and strong, they lack the resources they need to thrive because of war, drought, and economic instability. But these disadvantages can be temporary, if our compassion moves us to action. Given access to resources, equipped with skills, and discipled into an identity founded on Christ, Ugandan women can rise up and sustain themselves and their families.
It is happening. At The James Place, these needs are being met and women are rising up to support themselves and their children. Families are beginning to flourish as those who care for them choose to be with them. With them in their pain and suffering, with them as they work for a better future for their children, and with them as they overcome.