Welcome to Honduras!
I am in Honduras this week and immediately after landing I was reminded of God's amazing love and provisions. One of the pictures shows a view of Honduras as we drove from San Pedro to Siguetepeque (a two hour drive). It is an amazingly beautiful sight driving through a rain forest, banana plantations, coffee plantations, villages and more! The coolest part of getting to discover the beauty here that God created is that the people here are just as beautiful inside and outside. They have a wonderful culture here that we can all learn from. It seems their "slower" way of life is the life that we Americans dream of. Their priorities are most definitely in better check than my own.
Heal Ministries will be partnering with Providence World Ministries by assisting them with teams that will assists them in needs. The team arrived today from Nashville and after spending a week at the hotel by myself, I was MOST excited to greet them! There are 20 of us in all and they came to build the first playground for the site. I came a week early to assists them with the dedication of a building that you will see in the next day or two. The dedication dinner and celebration will be all day Saturday, March 14th and it is a most exciting event; a celebration of God's provisions. The home above is the first orphan home. PWM has the best family model for orphan care in the world. The home pictured will house a set of parents and 8 children. The children will grow up in this community with 24 homes eventually and 196 orphans. Of course, the beauty of this program is that they will grow up in a loving home with a set of parents and will also be assigned to a widow in the church that will be their grandmother. One of the stages of the family model plan has a widows' cottage housing 2 grandmothers per cottage on site. This fullfills James 1:27 which is the verse that Heal Ministries was based on.
Pictured to the right is the first family to live on site. Walmer is the dad and three of the beautiful children are pictured on the steps with him. As I gaze at the children that they love as their very own, I am amazed again at God's provisions. The beauty of the unconditional love that our Lord has is most expressed through the love revealed by those accepting of orphans.
I was able to drive to Tegucigalpa with Douglas, PWM staff, to purchase some things for the dedication dinner and he drove me through several areas: some influential areas as well as some areas that are not so influential. As we drove through the poorer section of Tegucigalpa, I realized how similar it looked to places that I have visited such as Kibera in Africa (one of the largest slums in Kenya) or remote villages in Ukraine. People are the same everywhere: we all want love and relationships and we all have problems and we all need Jesus. Fortunately, we all get Jesus anytime if we want Him. Thanks for tuning in!! I'll be posting pictures the next two weeks as we begin the project for La Provencia and as I head to El Salvador after the team departs to visit two orphanages there. Blessings to you all!