HEAL Team Insights

Below are three team members insights on their time at the James Place:

There aren’t many places where you feel at home; where you feel safe and loved. Or at least I haven’t. I felt a sense of calm wash over me the second I walked through these gates and I knew that I was welcomed. 

The people here aren’t like ones I interact with every day. At home people keep their distance, keep their head down. Here, you are greeted with a smile and a warm wish that you might have a good day. Back home it seems like people want to get to know you, but the second they have to go out of their way to do so they drop their plan. Here, conversations and interactions mean something. People ask the smallest, most simple questions, not for small talk, but because they actually care. The love that binds us all together is shown here every day. 

For me the James Place has opened my eyes, while also fueling me to go live the life I desire back home. It’s places like these were you learn what really matters in life. And I am more than grateful that I was able to experience the magic of the James Place.

-Elizabeth Hahn

The James Place is a haven for anyone and everyone. It is a safe place where community and love abound. Whether you are a widow, an orphan, or even visiting from another country, everyone is being healed by the power of God. Upon walking into the front gates, you instantly feel at home. You can always expect a genuine “Hello. How are you” from Dennis. 

The women here are indescribable. I knew that it would be easy to love on the babies, but I was not prepared for how much I would love these women. God knew that they would be a special surprise for me. The way they care for each other is selfless, humbling, and God-like. They lift each other up and they’re there for each other when another is down. 

The children are full of joy and life! They bring me back to my childlike faith and wonder. I see God in their eyes and in their smiles. Seeing them walk out of the gates with their little brother or sister on their backs makes my heart melt. They care for each other just as the women do. 

I was not prepared for all of the emotions I would experience by coming here, but I know I will never be the same. I pray that God will use everything I learned from the women and children (and can’t forget Dennis, Wilbur, and Noah :) to be poured out into the lives of everyone I meet. 

-Abigail Reeves

Walking into the HEAL Ministries gates feels like waking into a small piece of heaven on the other side of the world. This place is filled with amazing people, stories, different languages, rich culture, and filled with Jesus.

What I love most about my time here is how strong and caring these women are toward one another. They are protective, resilient, smart, fierce, yet incredibly kind and nurturing. Even the small children are so good with helping care for their younger siblings. HEAL feels like experiencing what I would imagine living in a village might feel like. 

The people at HEAL protect each other, help raise each others babies, laugh together, play together, play volleyball together, and worship together. They also have a quiet strength about them. Grace, for example, is one of the women here and she has a baby named Malachi. She’s so kind and gentle, but I can see that if someone tried to hurt one of her babies, she would turn into one fierce mama bear! I love how these women walk through life supporting one another. 

I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of HEAL Ministries, and I know I will be back someday soon. 

-Shelby Brown