The Best Part

The best part about my time at The James Place is that I can't possibly pick a best part. From immediately feeling welcomed and loved at the gate by Paul and Robert, to seeing all the smiles come across all the women and children's faces. Long walks through town and visiting new friends at their homes. Juliana and Fortunate becoming my Uganda mommas. Afternoons in pottery with Parvin, Betty, Grace, and Mary. Pushing the kids on the swing set, playing with bubbles, and water Wednesdays. I immediately fell in love with all the kids and childcare workers I spent time with here. Sweet Alyssa smiling and laying in my lap will always be a memory I hold close to my heart. Even though covid threw a few curveballs during our month in Uganda, God is always in control and always working. I can see how many people God is touching through HEAL. All these moments and memories are my favorite and so many more. I can't wait for the day that I walk down Kisinja road again to the welcoming gates of The James Place.

Mackenzie Russell, Volunteer Intern

Rachel WeirIntern