Seeing Growth and Change

It's been two years. Two years since I last entered the gates of the James Place in Jinja, Uganda. I have been anxiously awaiting my time to come again. Now that I am here, everything has changed. Everything is different--and oh how sweet it is! My favorite part about being back is seeing all of the growth. From the preschool, to the artisan programs, to childcare. Everything has changed and everything has grown. The one thing that has stayed the same is the people and the relationships I share with them.

The sweetest part about being back is seeing all of the growth and development. The preschool has grown so much! There are now multiple classes. The childcare has grown to two times the size at least! The artisans program is HUGE now. The coolest thing to me, though, is seeing my friends move into new departments and positions. Most of my friends have been promoted to newer and higher positions in the program. They have excelled beyond their wildest dreams and are making a better life for themselves with the help of the ministry. This has been the best part about being back again, seeing my friends become better, more empowered versions of themselves.

- Caroline Ambrose, Volunteer Intern

Rachel Weir