Giving transformed into life-changing love

To visit the James Place is to love it. I have spent 1.5 years at the James Place and have witnessed the incredible power this place has to draw people in. Here at the James Place, you feel love in every corner. From smiles and “good mornings” from the artisans who come to work every day eager to get started. To the cooks who serve your food with care and delight. To the laundry and cleaning staff who take pleasure in helping keep the place running. To the childcare kids who give the best hugs and preschoolers who NEVER fail to brighten your day. Anywhere you turn around the James Place you will witness people serving one another.

What the James Place does really well is make people feel loved. I have made some of the most trustworthy, thoughtful, selfless and loyal friends here with the staff.  I have also witnessed firsthand the love the staff pour out for every child who walks through the gate. The love and care HEAL is able to provide through genuine staff members and teachers, consistent healthy snacks and meals, and through providing a safe place for kids to be themselves is life-changing. 

Preschool at the James Place is changing the trajectory of kids’ lives. Not only are kids learning to speak English, they are invited to learn in a safe and fun environment different from most schools in the area. 

When people visit the James Place they feel love and they are witnesses to something so special: lives changing. I believe it’s what draws interns, visitors, and teams back again and again. To visit the James Place is to love it, no doubt about it! 

- Delaney Stephens, Long-term Education Intern

Rachel WeirIntern